PS/87 – Alkaline Cleaner
Heavy-Duty Cleaning
Coverage: 1,630 sq ft / GAL
Dilution: 1:5 in water
Materials Needed: PS/87, 2 Buckets, Synthetic Mop, Long Handled Brush, Microfiber Cloths, White Scrubbing Pad, Floor Scrubbing Machine, Wet Vacuum
• Dilute PS/87 1:5
• Distribute the mixture evenly across the tile using a long-handled brush or floor scrubbing machine equipped with a green circular pad. Leave to dwell for about 15 minutes.
• Scrub the surface with a green scrubbing pad.
• Remove the residue with a wet vacuum or a clean microfiber cloth.
• Thoroughly rinse the surface with a synthetic mop. Use one bucket to hold clean water and another bucket to strain dirty mop water.
This cleaning has to be done from time to time depending on the dirt level of the tile